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Empresa de Lousas de Valongo

The quarry


Our quarry is the oldest quarry registered in Portugal in activity, having 15 ha of extracting area, and big reserves which provide us many years of raw material.

All the slate is extracted from the quarry of "Milhária" by horizontal steps in open cast mining.

The quarry is lying in a strutural formation called "anticlinal de Valongo", which as outcrop the slate, providing conditions for the extraction.

The slate is from the Ordovician period, 450Million years ago.

The ELV has made major investments in the areas of extraction and processing, which allows us to be at the forefront of the production slate, offering a range of products with high quality, recognized worldwide.

The slate is extracted at the quarry in large blocks, approximately 16 ton that after carefully inspected are selected and sent to the processing plant.

Besides the slate quarry, Empresa das Lousas de Valongo has recently acquired a quarry in the area of Murça where is extracted a quartzite named "Garraia". Its hardness and varied coloration are its main features.

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